Thursday 2 July 2009


Word is on the blogville streetz that Rihanna maybe be in hot soup with the NYC Po-Po. Just last night apparently she visited an NYC Tattoo palour and tatted up 3 people and now NYPD is investigating the situation and may end up fining her as much as $300 for the first offense, $500 for the second and $1,000 for the third. She tatted up the people with Umbrellas and R’s. Too bad it was illegal because she’s not licensed to do so. According to the NY Law Department:

“Only licensed tattoo artists can administer tattoos in the city according to the City’s Health Code. We are sending someone down to follow up on this.”

Well well Rih Rih, looks like your fun little tattoing project may not end up fun at all and word has it that TMZ may have been the ones who sold her out too as they have a video clip of the incident as well.

In other Cop news, Former officer William Leonard Roberts II better known as RICK ROSS is also apparently in trouble with his former workforce mates. This is just a rumor by the way..on a sidenote, how dare they even try to arrest"The Boss"..smh

..Watch this space we will keep you posted.

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